Positivitea is a ESP-32 powered information display using two API's to display positive quotes and positive affirmations on an OLED screen. The user can select whether or not a quote or affirmation is displayed on the screen by pressing the two side buttons. Positivitea is also powered on via switch, and has lights indicating when it needs charged. The body of the product is an acrylic tea cup that was laser cut, and then decorated with sublimation printed stickers. The extra floral designs were crafted the same way. This product is unique and handmade, in hopes to bring positivity and enjoyment to the users life. From the PCB design, soldering, laser cutting, and designing it at the end, everything was done custom and with intentions to spread positivity.
Here is a video displaying the start-up animation and loading screen
Here is a video displaying the button functions, and how pressing the left button displays an affirmation, and pressing the right button displays the quote 
Here are the 2D and 3D designs of the PCB
Here is the DXF and SVG file made to laser cut the acrylic and print the sublimation stickers, along with the process of soldering, and putting together the acrylic and stickers
Below you will find information how what the cost would be to produce 100 units of this, and what each unit would be sold for
Below you will find the Tindie Product page which Positivitea would be sold on
Lastly, here is the link to the Arduino code and PCB Gerber file on GitHub: 

